Asset & Risk Visibility and Traceability

Auto-discovery and mapping
of all applications

You cannot protect what you can’t see. OX empowers DevSecOps teams with auto-discovery and mapping of all applications and full visibility over the software supply chain attack surface, including source code, pipeline, artifacts, container images, and runtime assets.

Full inventory and auto-discovery of applications

Full inventory and auto-discovery of your applications and build and production infrastructure. Generate a pipeline bill of materials (PBOM) for every version covering not only the code that ends up in the final product but also the procedures and processes that impacted the software throughout its development.

Close visibility gap and identify any blind spots

Gain full visibility over the software supply chain attack surface, including source code, pipeline, artifacts, container images, runtime assets, and all applications in production.

Risk Prioritization

Resolve the riskiest issues first and automatically block vulnerabilities introduced into your

pipeline, like blocking code merges.

Getting started is easy

Bake security into your software pipeline. A five minute integration is all you need to get started.