Attack Path Reachability Analysis

Distilling Fragmented AppSec Data into Unified Action

A single-interface that visualizes potential attack paths, spanning third-party library vulnerabilities, build and deployment system attacks, and compromised software updates across applications, APIs, and cloud environments.

Secure Your Applications with Advanced Reachability Insights

By integrating Applications, APIs, and Cloud with the function call graph, OX uncovers hidden vulnerabilities and secure potential breach points, providing a layer of protection that positions your enterprise ahead of threats.
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Understand Your Exposure and Swiftly Remediate Vulnerabilities

Clarity in crisis is essential. The Attack Path Reachability Analysis not only helps AppSec teams understand the nuances of each threat but also the reasoning behind its assessed severity. This deep insight into reachability streamlines the triage process, ensuring that every response is as informed as it is quick.
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Empower Your AppSec Teams to Focus on Critical Issues Efficiently

Distinguishing critical issues from trivial ones is not just necessary—it's a strategic advantage. The Attack Path Reachability Analysis transforms how your AppSec teams identify, respond to, and remediate threats. By highlighting the most critical risks in Code, API, and Cloud environments, we ensure your team's efforts are focused, impactful, and timely.

Getting started is easy

View the attack path in less than 5 minutes