Meet Us at Booth SC320 in Startup City

detOXify Your AppSec with OX Security at Black Hat USA 2024

August 3-8, 2024 | Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

See everything. Focus on what matters. Mitigate risk at scale.

Stop by booth SC320 in Startup City to meet with the OX team and learn how to get full risk and security coverage of the SDLC, prioritize threats to focus on the 3% that matters most, and mitigate risk at scale.

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The fun doesn't stop when the show floor closes

Take a break from the conference craziness and join us throughout the week at our various social engagements!

Tuesday, August 6 | 6-9 pm: SimSpace Poolside Happy Hour
Wednesday, August 7 | 8-10 am: Mind Over Cyber Networking Breakfast & Mindfulness Workshop
Thursday, August 8 | 5-7 pm: CyberOne Ski Lodge Happy Hour

Thursday, August 8 | 7-10 pm: Pentera HACKasan After Party

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Discover OXclusive Knowledge

OX is bringing the knowledge during Black Hat! Join us during the week at our below session.

Thursday, August 8 | 2:30-3 pm: Will We Survive the Transitive Vulnerability Locusts?

• Eyal Paz, VP of Research, OX Security

• Liad Cohen, Data Scientist and Security Researcher, OX Security

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Schedule a meeting or demo at the conference

Want to meet with an OX expert at the show? Request a meeting and we will follow up to schedule a day and time.

You can also book a demo at the OX Security booth. We’ll have some goodies for people who visit us for a platform overview.

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Heading to DEF CON?

We'll be there, too!

The week doesn’t end with Black Hat! We’re excited to sponsor AppSec Village at DEF CON this year – stop by for a cup of coffee & chat with one of our OX experts!


Not able to visit OX at Black Hat or DEF CON?

No worries! You can start a free trial or schedule a virtual demo with the OX Security team.